Wednesday, January 15, 2014

In Which Our Heroine waits, and not with particular grace or patience

Today marks 38wks, 2 days.  We are so close.   One week from tomorrow Husband, Mama, Daddy and I are supposed to fly to California to meet Surrogate for her induction.

A week is no time!

A week is a VERY LONG TIME.

The other day Surrogate had what I thought were serious contractions, but they turned out to be Braxton-Hicks.  They stopped when she went to bed and cooled off thereafter.  And they never were closer together than eight minutes, and not too painful.  I had a few hours of excitement, but am now pretty much accepting the fact that it's going to take time.

Okay, perhaps "tolerating with great grumpiness" is a better descriptor.

Anyway, I will update when there is what to update.
