Thursday, November 10, 2011

My good Sir William Osler: Eat your heart out.

That's right, Osler.  Guess what physical findings I saw today:

1. aortic insufficiency: pulsus bisferiens, bounding radial pulses (not quite water-hammer), diastolic murmur
2. tricuspid regurg: giant V waves, head bobbing side to side, pulsatile liver
3. sinus venosus ASD: fixed split S2
4 hyperthyroidism: goiter w bruit, agitation, hyperdynamic state, tachycardia, fine resting tremor
5. TR again: REALLY giant waves, beautiful murmur again
6. summation gallop
7. HOCM murmur (see yesterday)
8. status epilepticus: rhythmic flickerig eyelids

I continue to be indebted to the wonderful patients who share their bodies with me and who are so willing to be my teachers.  You are truly generous and I must endeavor to "pay it forward."

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