Tuesday, July 26, 2011

In Which our heroine is very sleepy but still has a few more notes to write

...except the electronic medical record freezes when I go back more than a month or two!  So while I wait, I thought I would write.  I haven't anything important to write about.  We're 13 weeks, 5 days today, thank God.  I really can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl.  I am delighted either way, but I am not a very patient person, so I would like to know.  Peanut does at least look relatively human, so that's a good sign.

One more note to go!  And I am delighted to make it a discharge summary...Mr ___________ was dying to leave the hospital already and it was a matter of arranging his outpt IV antibiotics.  Finally, daptomycin and ceftaroline are on their way to a non-hospital near you!

...and that's a wrap.  Bedtime, then back to the hospital in five hours to round on seven patients.  In the evening we meet with the lawyer to make a will for our Peanut and name a guardian.  (That's part of the contract.)

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