Sunday, July 31, 2011

Birthday wishes

Today is JK Rowling, Harry Potter, and my aunt's birthday.  I wish them all a happy birthday and many happy returns of the day.

It's also the birthday of the most wonderful, amazing, generous, just all-around awesome person ever: my grandmother.  Only she's not really my grandmother.  I don't call her grandmother.  I call her Mama because that's what she really is.  From the day my mother went back to work at six weeks postpartum, my second mother took care of me.  She is my guardian angel here on Earth and my role model and I wish her a mazel tov and biz hundert tzentzik and that she should have health, long life, happiness, and many many many great-grandchildren and just all good things.  (kinenhora.)

I know she isn't reading this but I have to put it out there, even though I already called her.  Because she's the best!!!

I also just spoke with Surrogate, who is doing (also kinenhora) well, thank God, and even starting to show a little!  Yay!

The gender jury is still out.  Surrogate is getting girl vibes, but her husband is getting boy vibes, and I had a dream that we have a beautiful healthy baby girl, but Idan is thinking boy.  Guess we'll have to wait and see!

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